
ND Pharma



The ND Pharma & Biotech Company

A Global Bio-Pharmaceutical, Biotechnological and Chemical Company

HealthCare · Pharma · Medicine · Vet · Food · Nutrition · Feed · Agriculture · Water · Industry · Research · Development · Innovation · CRO/CMO

We Are ND Pharma.

We make our business every day bringing innovative thinking to solve the challenges that our customers has to face on daily basis. ND Pharma & Biotech has made a commitment to give more hope to the life of today and tomorrow. Bringing ingredients, active principles and novel molecules to the different industries and sharing with most of them, (our clients) such commitment, to let themselves to create, manufacture and deliver the most advanced solutions to worldwide patients and customers (their clients) letting them to treat and fight against the most aggressive conditions, illnesses and diseases, specifically in cases of cancer (Oncology), NeuroSciences, Rare and Ultra-Rare Diseases, or bringing the most advanced and natural solutions to a variety of fields and sectors as Food, Nutrition, Agriculture, Fisheries, Pharma, Medical, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Research and Development, Innovation, Animal Health, Beverages and many other that are in need and constant demand of innovation advances.

We help them to create real innovative solutions that will make the difference, improving genuinely their lives and the life of affected people an promoting excellence in disease prevention and health maintenance. To get these things possible we are embraced in a number of high-profile / top-class investigations and research, focusing on the discovery of novel molecules and therapies designed and engineered for unmet medical and health demands and conditions, including but not limited to certain types of cancer and oncological diseases as solid tumors, like pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and advanced renal cell carcinoma, as well as other hematological/oncological conditions, Alzheimer´s Disease, Schizophrenia, Depression, Multiple Sclerosis, Lateral Amyotrophic Sclerosis, Infections, Tropical Health, Stem Cells, and a multiple-lines of open investigation and innovation.

But our mission, do not appear only when the disease is onset and clinically evolved. We are going further back to the point of participate throughout our Food & Nutrition Division, on the most extensive detoxification programs and products (broad consumption), till the point of making possible our vision of removal the chemical – toxic elements and cellular waste deposits present within our body, and coming up from the food and alimentary chain, mean, ingested within foods. In this effort we are praying to get every producer, processor or seller involved with this ideal, that are for us the true reason for living and doing what we do, and every other effort that we should have to do,. By such means we are promoting and cultivating the meaningful spirit of making life better, just making things much better than any others are doing it now. That is the hope for tomorrow that challenges us.